Solar panels for the town hall?
Solar panels costing £115,000 could be put up on council buildings.
Solar panels costing £115,000 could be put up on council buildings.
TORY councillors have been slammed for their plans to 'beautify' Windsor.
The former leader of Slough council's Conservatives Derek Cryer has quit the group - a fortnight after being ousted by Labour defector Pervez Choudhry.
A local Conservative voter has written to the Royal Borough Observer questioning whether Adam Afriyie is standing up for Windsor or instead acting in the interests of his party over the issue of…
BANK holiday mayhem on the roads has led to renewed calls for a park and ride scheme by Windsor Liberal Democrats.
Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg has today written to Gordon Brown and David Cameron regarding MPs' expenses.
A MAN was left trapped in an over turned car in Windsor in the early hours of this morning. (Tuesday)
Angry Traders have hit out the Conservatives at the Royal Borough of Windsor Maidenhead after they hiked parking charges at the Windsor River Street Car Park, adversely affecting business.
The Royal Borough Observer reported this Friday, 8th May, that the Conservative lead for transport at The Royal Borough had denied plans were being secretly discussed to change the traffic system…
In a telling pictorial moment of truth the Spitfire appearing on BNP Leaflets, issued for the European Elections and next to the title "The New Battle for Britain" and just above a call for…