Stealth Tax Tories Stealth Tax Tactics Strike Again!

Local Liberal Democrats have learnt that Windsor's Stealth Tax Tories 72% Parking Price Hike at River Street Car Park in Windsor, is in fact one of the lessons Windsor's Conservatives have imported from Conservative Wandsworth. Wandsworth traders, like their Windsor colleagues are up in arms at their Conservative Council's 43% hike in Parking Charges.
Before the last Local Elections, local Conservatives said they intended to learn the lessons of how Wandsworth kept its Council Tax low and apply them to Windsor, however they failed to mention that they already knew that the main way Wandsworth's Council Tax was kept low was by getting a lot more money from National Government and by charging very high Stealth Taxes on things like resident's parking permits.
Look out for other lessons the Conservatives might learn from Wandsworth:
Windsor Resident's Parking Permit: £20
Wandsworth Resident's Parking Permit £95
Windsor on street parking (when allowed) £0.30
Wandsworth on street parking £1.80 per hour
Lets hope Windsor Conservatives don't learn too many more Stealth Tax lessons from Wandsworth.