Tories accused of 'planning deep public services cuts'
Labour today accused the Conservatives of preparing for deep cuts in vital public services if they win power in the General Election expected next year.
Labour today accused the Conservatives of preparing for deep cuts in vital public services if they win power in the General Election expected next year.
Local Lib Dems have welcomed more detail being given to the public on councillors expenses and how much being spent on what by whom on the council
Whatever Gordon Brown or David Cameron say, their new enthusiasm for changing our political system is deeply unconvincing.
Gordon Brown has suffered a devastating blow with a new opinion poll showing Labour's support in a general election falling behind the Liberal Democrats for the first time in 22 years.
The ICM poll for The Sunday Telegraph puts the Liberal Democrats in second place for the first time in the party's 21 year history.
Britain's democracy is at a turning point. Not in living memory has confidence in politicians, trust in the system, or faith in the government's capacity to change things been as low as it is today.…
Britain's politicians should be barred from taking their summer holidays until the constitutional crisis sparked by the expenses row is resolved and "every nook and cranny" of the political system is…
UKIP leader Nigel Farage has been foremost in criticising MPs in the recent expenses row. Now the Liberal Democrats' Ed Davey MP has challenged UKIP to publish details of their MEPs' expenses and to…
A FURTHER call asking Royal Borough residents to support a council worker in a national competition has been made.
The council is calling on every resident to do their bit in the campaign to get John Levitt named as Council Worker of the Year.