Tory Shadow Chancellor dodged £55,000 tax bill by 'flipping'
George Osborne avoided £55,000 in capital gains tax by 'flipping' his second home allowance, figures calculated by the Liberal Democrat treasury team have revealed.
George Osborne avoided £55,000 in capital gains tax by 'flipping' his second home allowance, figures calculated by the Liberal Democrat treasury team have revealed.
GEORGE Osborne last night angrily denied "flipping" homes to milk his Commons expenses.
Labour can't win here is the conclusion from the European Election Voting in the Royal Borough.
The results are in for the European Elections 2009 and here are the results for the South East.
According to the BBC's estimated projected national vote share based on the local elections - the Conservatives are on 38%, the Lib Dems are in second place on 28% and Labour are third with 23% - a…
In a shock for the Conservatives, local Lib Dems in Woodley, took a seat from the Conservatives in the Loddon ward of Woodley Town Council.
The Lib Dems' Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Edward Davey MP, has written to William Hague detailing some of the widespread charges of racism, homophobia and climate…
Global warming is a lie, homosexuality is a "pathology" and Europe is becoming a "neo-totalitarian" regime, according to one of David Cameron's new European allies.
Global warming is a lie, homosexuality is a "pathology" and Europe is becoming a "neo-totalitarian" regime, according to one of David Cameron's new European allies.
It would be regrettable if the public cast their ballots solely out of anger