Conservatives vote for 337% rise in Fire Authority members' allowances

In a shocking move, even as they plan the part closure of Windsor's Fire Station, Conservative members of Berkshire Fire Authority have voted themselves a 337% rise in allowances.
The move will see basic allowances for members of the Fire Authority go up from £412to £1800 a year .

Full Fire Authority meets just five times a year, making the new pay for those who don't sit on committees £360 per meeting, although many Councillors sit on extra committees.
Windsor & Maidenhead's representatives consist of Lib Dem Cllr Kathy Newbound who opposed the rise and several Conservatives councillors who abstained.
"It's disgraceful that Windsor's Conservative Councillors failed to vote against this 337% rise in allowances at this time of all times." says Windsor Lib Dem's Julian Tisi.
"Either way, the amount of extra allowances paid to themselves by Conservatives at the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and at The Royal Berkshire Fire Authority would go a long way towards paying for the fire-fighters needed to Keep Windsor Fire Station open 24 hours a day."
Related Links
- Find out more about "Keep Windsor Fire Station 24/7" (FS24/7)
- Find out how the Fire Authority Councillors voted on the 337% rise