Liberal Democrats' Federal Policy Committee meet over Browne Review
"FPC confirms the Liberal Democrat party policy remains to phase out tuition fees."
"FPC confirms the Liberal Democrat party policy remains to phase out tuition fees."
A CORONER has called for more lighting at the exit to the Windsor Royal Tattoo after an 85 year old woman was killed when she was hit by a car. The inquest heard that poor lighting had contributed to…
Council Conservatives filibustered Liberal Democrat attempts to get the council to take urgent action on the environment at the council this Wednesday, September 28th.
Following the meeting of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council on Wednesday 28th September 2010 it has become apparent that Conservative Cuts to the Connexions Advice Service will see…
Two months after Labour Councillors in Slough voted themselves a whopping 46% rise in their own pay the council is set to attack some of the most vulnerable children in the area by launching a…
Less than a third of the way through the council's financial year, it is becoming clear that the Conservative's car parking polices are not working and that revenues to the council and visitors to…
Experienced former Cornish Firefighter, Malcolm Dyer, a firefighter of 29 years' experience, claims he was turned down from joining the Ascot Fire Crew because the journey from his present home in…
Local Lib Dems have uncovered that over £9,000 in a month are being spent by the Tories on temps in the council's revenue and benefits department.
Local Lib Dems believe that it is essential if the Big Society is going to work then it needs to restore funding to local voluntary groups.