Conservative Council Tax Claims are Fantasy
The Conservative approach to local elections was sadly confirmed this week as their web site proudly announced massive savings in council tax for local residents versus fictional made up rises that they say the Liberal Democrats would have introduced over the last four years.
"Its sad, but not surprising to see the Conservatives adopting this approach" says Lib Dem Julian Tisi.
"At the last election and frequently since the Conservatives claimed that only voting for them would save weekly bin collections from being abolished - despite the fact that no party standing at the election planned to change the bin collections - it was quite simply not true"
Infact Liberal Democrat literature issued during the election made it quite clear that we had no plans to abolish weekly collections.
"The same is true of the Conservatives Council Tax claims - under the Lib Dems council tax in the Royal Borough was consistently lower than the Borough's Conservative and Labour run neighbours." says Julian.
Meanwhile Lib Dem leader Cllr Simon Werner has made it very clear that an incoming Lib Dem Council will operate within the Coalition Government's Council Tax Freeze which will see no rises over the next few years.
"People in the Royal Bough aren't daft" says Windsor Community Activist, Pat Gare,
"We know that the Conservatives £5 cut in annual council tax is being paid for by attacks on the most vulnerable like the 1000% rise in charges at Day Centres for the elderly from £6 to £58 a day the equivalent of a rise from £30 to £290 a week or £1,560 to £15,080 a year! The Lib Dems will operate sensible policies that keep Council Tax down, without the need to attack those who can least stand up for themselves."