Royal Borough Hackney Carriage drivers demand paintwork policy U-turn
Of the approximately 160 Hackney Carriage drivers in the Royal Borough, 137 have signed a petition demanding the Royal Borough abandon the paintwork policy.
Of the approximately 160 Hackney Carriage drivers in the Royal Borough, 137 have signed a petition demanding the Royal Borough abandon the paintwork policy.
The Conservative led Royal Borough has lost nearly £1m in overpaid housing benefit in the last six months.
Charges for on-street parking permits are being scrapped by the Royal Borough.
MORE money will be offered by a council in a bid to stop its haemorrhaging of social services staff.
WINDSOR MP Adam Afriyie looks to have backed down in his bid to bring forward a referendum on the UK's EU membership.
Plans by Windsor's right wing M.P. to quit Europe could put thousands of local jobs at risk.
Legoland has been criticised by councillors for failing to enter into a dialogue with the Royal Borough to ease 'horrendous' traffic conditions.
Windsor's fully equiped St Mark's Road Fire Station will cease to be the base for Windsor's Fire Engine today, sources within the Fire Brigade have told Windsor Liberal Democrats.
The Royal Borough is to continue to oppose any plans for a third runway at Heathrow.
A £1.1million budget overspend caused by a miscalculation in how much a contract cost has left Slough Borough Council officers red-faced.