Royal Borough Binning 10,000 tonnes of Food a Year
New research commissioned by the council shows that as much as 10,000 tonnes of food in the Royal Borough is binned and ends us in landfill every year.
My promise to you: If elected as Windsor MP, it will be my sole job as I dedicate my time to you. I will hold my first of many surgeries in the constituency in my first week of election.
Julian is the Lib Dem Candidate for Windsor at the next General Election. The son of a knife-grinder, Julian came to Windsor to work for Centrica in 2002 and lives in the town with his wife, Amy and their three children, who all attend local state schools.
Julian is embedded in his community as a successful long-term local campaigner, most recently helping people to express their dismay at changes to entry fees for residents to Windsor Castle. His past campaigns include:
and many others
Julian supports his local community-run pub and is a governor at St Edward's Royal Free School. He is a trustee of the Berkshire Music Trust and the Windsor Festival.
Julian is an experienced chartered accountant and, as a Borough councillor, has been using his professional skills to help sort out the financial mess at RBWM Council.
Julian has stood for election as MP in Windsor several times, as he is loyal to this area and is dedicated to representing people across the whole constituency.
Julian Tisi will work hard in Parliament on issues that matter to you:
Find out more about Liberal Democrats plan for a Fair Deal
New research commissioned by the council shows that as much as 10,000 tonnes of food in the Royal Borough is binned and ends us in landfill every year.
Flyers calling for villagers to take part in a consultation about the proposed Heathrow expansion have been dropped through doors in Datchet as the clock ticks down on the chance for them to have their say.
Swimmers in Windsor face a 148% increase in charges for a pass for annual swimming, after the newly privatised leisure centre withdrew its swimming only annual pass.
THE deadline for having your say on the shaping of a town's future is looming.
In another apparent episode of Conservative malpractice, two more Tory Councillors have been referred to the Police.
Conservative claims that they sited the new Windsor Fire depot at Tinker's lane because there were more fire in West Windsor, have again been exposed as untrue.