Windsor's Conservatives Confused on Speed Cameras
Windsor Conservatives are totally confused on road safety according to a letter in the local Press from a Conservative supporter. The letter points to the public disagreement between the Conservative's lead member for transport and his deputy on the issue of speed cameras.
Reported in the local press the Conservative Deputy Lead Member for Transport promoted the finding of an independent consultant that speed cameras in Windsor and Maidenhead had not saved any lives. As a consequence the Conservative Deputy Lead Member for Transport said that all Speed Cameras would be removed.
The following week the Conservative Lead Member for Transport was reported in the press quoting a different report into the speed cameras, showing that they had reduced accidents by 44% and that they would all be staying in order to protect vulnerable sites like schools from speeding drivers.
"This kind of confusion in the Conservative administration must surely go part way to explaining why the Conservatives are cutting services, whilst simultaneously raising stealth taxes and running up massive debts of £6million a year" said local Lib Dem spokesman Julian Tisi.