Windsor's Conservative Council Plans on adding £6million to its Debt Annually
Further confirmation that Windsor's Conservatives are keeping Council Tax down artificially by massive borrowing emerged at a Council Scrutiny Committee last night. In papers brought before the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel the Conservatives outlined plans to borrow in the region of £6million annually.
"This is further confirmation of what the Liberal Democrats have been saying all along - that Conservative attempts to keep down Council Tax have been built upon a false prospectus. Under the Conservatives the Royal Borough has simply shifted its income from council tax to borrowed money and Stealth taxes - like the 50% rise in home care charges for the vulnerable and infirm."
says the Lib Dems' Julian Tisi.
"Just as George Osborne is telling the nation we can't keep borrowing, Conservatives in the Royal Borough are piling on the debt, whilst deceiving themselves that they have made the council more efficient"