Where's My Bus? Maidenhead's Buses Go Missing
Queues of People were left standing in the Freezing Cold in Maidenhead on 2nd February, when the snows fell and unbeknown to bus travellers the Town's bus routes were changed and fares hiked.
Changes to routes made by the Conservatives, in discussion with the Bus Companies, coupled with a total lack of publicity about the changes, left bus travellers, many of them elderly bus pass holders, standing in the freezing cold waiting for buses that never came.
"Thanks to the new free bus passes, the Tax Payers are now among the bus companies biggest customers. Let's hope the Tories will have learnt their lesson after the mistakes they have made in Maidenhead before they make any plans for buses in Windsor & Ascot." said Julian Tisi, Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Windsor & Ascot.