Foster Carers in RBWM to get a Council Tax Refund

In-house foster carers for RBWM will be rewarded for their commitment to children and young people by having their council tax reimbursed.
The paper which came to Cabinet this evening states,
‘This offer recognises what foster carers contribute to RBWM/AfC and society in general. It is a considerable incentive for more people to become foster carers and will go some way towards addressing the local shortage of foster families. It also enhances stability for our Children in Care. Investing in in house foster care represents considerable savings to the council as each placement in an external fostering agency, costs between £350 and £450 more per week.’
The fulll offer to foster carers will now include:
Full council tax reimbursement for in house carers with a child in placement. (estimated cost £32,900 annually)
● Increase refer a friend to £1000 (estimated cost £1500 annually)
● Welcome fee to £500 after first placement (estimated cost £2500 annually)
● Leisure card discount - cover up to 50% of the family passes (estimated cost £16,080 annually)
● Expand clinical supervision support offer (estimated cost £3000 annually
● Training & event spend to be expanded and to include post Special Guardianship support (estimated cost £1700 annually).
Lead Member for Children's Services and Education, Cllr Amy Tisi said,
'I am thrilled that we can recognise the special impact that foster carers have in our community. By recruiting new carers and retaining experienced carers, we can ensure that our chidlren and young people have the best care possible. I urge anyone who is interested in becoming a foster carer to take the first step here. '
This invest to save project is expected to cost the council around £57,000 a year but will actually save the council money as external foster care placements and external residential placements are substantially more expenisve. By increasing or retaining the numbers of internal foster carers and therefore placements available we could save between £24k-£238k per young person each year.